Thursday 31 October 2019

Haiku [1]

From Saturday 26th October - 30th November 2019. 


  1. a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world.
    • a poem in English written in the form of a haiku.
In this case, my random thoughts on everything and anything.  ______________________________________________________________________

26th October

Mighty Kangaroo
Master of the whole outback.
You are so bouncy!


27th October

My mobile phone dies,
I am utterly distraught.
I can't do a thing.


28th October

Woken in my bed
A purring sound in my ear.
The cat lets me stay.


29th October

Art can be surreal,
Sometimes it does not make sense.
Gramophone player.


30th October

Water everywhere,
Not a single drop to drink.
Whiskey it is, then.


31st October 

The Slit-Mouthed woman
If you see her, run!


1st November 

Friday night dinner,
With welcoming smiles and smells,
Is tasty, and cheap.


2nd November 

In rubgy matches
It's good to run with the ball
And score the most points.


3rd November 

All the world's a stage,
I wait to make my entrance.
Remember those lines!


4th November  

Outside by the wall
This piano's not normal,
But music is free.


5th November 

It is Guy Fawkes night,
Fireworks will light up the sky.
The pets will be scared.


6th November 

A spiral staircase.
I get dizzy looking up.
It's worse at the top.


7th November 

Some days markets rise
On others they fall instead.
Tomorrow, who knows?


8th November 

Late for work today?
There's always time for a kiss
For the one you love.


9th November 

It's not raining now
But I see it was before.
The bench is still wet.


10th November 

I was told to try
Not to be so negative.
That worked for Nelson.


11th November 


12th November 

They sailed through the ice,
Scientific pioneers.
Could we do that now?


13th November 

Venice is flooded;
Just the time for a selfie.
Some people are fools.


14th November 

Did your card appear?
Do you believe in magic?
No, it's just a trick. 


15th November 

Vinyl, tape, CD...
Now music cannot be held.
It lives in the cloud.


16th November 

T.V. for children
Was much better in "my day".
But some now is great.


17th November 

Visits to the past
Can completely overwhelm
Because some things change.


18th November 

Accept and move on,

Advice from a computer.

It's not that simple.


19th November 

Differences found

Of shape, colour, and value.

It's all just money.


20th November 

Good, another "like"!

We all seek affirmation,
Even from strangers.


21st November 

Advice from all sides.
Do this, or maybe do that.
But mostly, it's "don't".


22nd November 

We can see so far.
The universe is awesome
In its truest sense.


23rd November 

A sequence that's found
Everywhere in nature.


24th November 

It's not all that hard
To recycle when you're done
And help the planet.


25th November 

I found a dream job,
The salary is superb.
Sadly, a misprint.


26th November 

The old stone churches
Competing with steel and glass
Are more majestic.


27th November 

There's no "I" in team.
But that's not true all the time.
Sometimes, there are two.


28th November 

Rush hour tubes are rammed. 
Children hug their parents' knees.
What fresh hell is this?


29th November 

Black Friday today.

A chance to spend more money.
But you don't have to.


30th November 

Another attack.
But people are brave and strong,
Never to be beaten.


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